The BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project has now been launched in London for the Falmouth to Royal Greenwich Tall Ships Regatta.
The BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project has been given a celebrity endorsement at the Tower of London at a special event held by Historic Royal Palaces and Kids in Museums. The event brought together VIPs from all over the UK to celebrate putting children first in education, art, galleries and museums.
This special Arts Council England supported project for children to engage in art and creative writing has been given a celebrity endorsemnet at the Tower of London at a special event held by Historic Royal Palaces and Kids in Museums. The event brought together VIPs from all over the UK to celebrate putting children first in education, art, galleries, museums and more.
Dea Birkett the director of Kids in museums, Damian Dibben the internationally best selling children’s author, John Dyer the artist in residence for the Tall Ships regatta and the BBC’s Philip Mould OBE came together at this special event in support of the BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project.
“The BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project is charismatic. John Dyer’s new Tall Ships painting, combined with professional storytelling, creates an irresistible hub for creativity to flourish.”
Children and families are encouraged to find out more online now at : http://www.johndyergallery.co.uk/tallships The project has already received 100 paintings from children across the country.
A picture is telling thousands of words as children across the country knuckle down to interpreting an oil-based celebration of one of this year’s great world Maritime events – the Falmouth to Royal Greenwich Tall Ships Regatta.
Artist in residence for the Regatta, John Dyer, has unveiled his fireworks and fiesta painting, based on memories of the last Falmouth Tall Ships Festival in 2008, which, with the help of story-tellers, performers, a playwright and a hip-hop poet, is getting youngsters deeply immersed in their own paint and salty tales.
Damian Dibben, creator of the world famous “The History Keepers” time-travel series is part of the creative team for the BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project says, “This is a brilliant, original competition. John Dyer’s picture is bursting with character, life and colour – I can’t wait to see what stories it inspires: pictures, stories, poems, anything.”
John and the creative team are working closely with Festival organisers in Falmouth & Royal Greenwich led by Cornwall Development Company’s Visit Cornwall Team. Dea Birkett, of the national initiative ‘Kids in Museums’, is helping to roll out the BIG Art and Storytelling Tall Ships Project across the country, Dea describes John’s painting and the project as, “…entirely entrancing, engrossing. It opens up new worlds.”
“This whole project is a huge creative stimulus for children,” says artistic practitioner John Frankland. “The writers have all seen the painting in advance – James Graham, the National Theatre playwright, has written the first scene of a play for children to finish; Maxwell Golden has written a hip hop poem…it’s all about firing young imaginations to express themselves in pictures and words.”
The project is gathering momentum and endorsements from across the UK: Philip Mould OBE, art expert on the BBC’s “Fake or Fortune” says, “The BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project is charismatic. John Dyer’s new Tall Ships painting, combined with professional storytelling, creates an irresistible hub for creativity to flourish.”
John Dyer’s painting, reflects the excitement and atmosphere of the Regatta, with entertainment and activities throughout the whole town. The competition closes on 1st August with the 24 top prize winners, another 200 top art entries and a selection of the writing going on display at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall and the Greenwich Heritage Centre during the Tall Ships Regatta.
“You quite often hear of a work of literature inspiring a piece of art but not so often the other way around,” says John Dyer. “I believe everybody is born highly creative and artistic – it’s what helps us develop and learn – and it’s a real privilege to be encouraging artistic talents, working with children across the country in this special and magical event.” John Dyer
For more information about The BIG Art and Storytelling Tall Ships Project see http://www.johndyergallery.co.uk/tallships including a short film describing the project.
Photo: Above From left to right: “Director of Kids in Museums Dea Birkett, Author Damian Dibben & Artist John Dyer pictured with Kids in Museums Chair and BBC Art Expert Philip Mould OBE encouraging children across the UK to get creative and to take part in The BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project. Pictured at the launch of Historic Royal Palaces’ ‘Tudors at the Tower’ family festival at the Tower of London. Photo: Richard Lea-Hair.”