John Dyer attended the Truro and Roseland Learning Community Awards Ceremony at Truro Cathedral as their guest of honour and inspirational speaker.
The awards are given to children from thirty schools across Cornwall in a variety of categories from Endeavour under difficult circumstances to Academic Progress and many in between.
“It was a real privilege and honour to be asked to present these awards to these remarkable children. Many of their stories moved me to tears and for others their achievements in life are truly extraordinary.”
John Dyer.
John made a speech about the power of imagination and how his life has been driven by positive thoughts.
“It was such an inspiring talk from the Heart and I love your closing words. Our daughter was so pleased to receive her award from you thanks”
“Great evening, our son says thanks!!!”
“What you said was capturing and so inspiring. Your words have echoed in my head since then and I have shared them with friends and family.”
“What you said has effected me in such a helpful and positive way, and now I believe I can do it !”
One of the artist’s paintings was reproduced on the cover of the awards ceremony catalogue as a souvenir for the children.
John Dyer presented an awards scroll to each of the 187 children individually and personally congratulated them all. The children ranged in age from 5 to 18 years old.
“I am delighted that my speech went down so well ! It was fantastic to see the entire audience in the cathedral with their eyes closed and concentrating of visualisation as they followed my directions. I had some very generous comments afterwards with some even venturing that it was the best speec