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Opening Times, Customer Support & Accessibility

Open Online

Our online gallery operates 24/7 365 days a year and our email customer service is available on almost every day of the year and at most times.

Customer Support

We have excellent customer support with instant chat and frequently asked questions.

Please use our 'Chat with us' pop up chat at the base of the gallery site for instant answers, to track your order and to request assistance. If we do not answer you immediately, we will follow up via email quickly and almost always within a few hours.

Private appointments to view and buy original paintings

We are an online first gallery, but do offer private appointments to view and purchase original paintings in person with us in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.

Please note that these appointments are only for viewing and purchasing original paintings as we do not display the print range as that is exclusively online.

Full directions are emailed once each private appointment has been confirmed.

We have public liability insurance for private viewings at our property in Falmouth.

Depending on how busy Falmouth is you can generally park very close to us on the street for free or in one of the council carparks in Falmouth. We are happy to provide advice.

Contact us to Buy Paintings in Person


Our gallery website is designed to be accessible with clear Alt text, labelling of buttons, properly ordered headings and a good use of contrast and colours. We use a clear navigation system and offer a 'search first' solution so you can quickly locate artists or subjects you might be interested in from the top menu bar. 

N.B. The property in Falmouth has an original Edwardian path leading to the entrance. Please be careful on the path as it is uneven and if wet can be slippery. There are a few steps to climb to gain access to the property.

If you are disabled or have specific accessibility needs please let us know and we will arrange to bring a small selection of paintings you have pre-selected to view to an alternative address in the local area. This could be to a hotel, private house, business or holiday let. 

Pop Up Exhibitions

Our exclusive exhibitions are held in a variety of locations. Recent examples include exhibitions at the Eden Project, Falmouth Art Gallery and the St Ives Society of Artists. Accessibility and public liability is different for each location and is covered by the hosts of the exhibition.

Explore The John Dyer Gallery

Deciding which artwork to buy and where to shop can take time and effort. Artwork stores are your gateway to an eclectic mix of pieces for all tastes and budgets. This guide details the best artwork stores, such as, ensuring you quickly find and purchase art, whether online or in a physical gallery.
When searching for today’s mostimpactful artists, one cannot overlook Cornwall’s popular painter duo who are redefining the contemporary art scene. In this article, we highlight the lives and legacies ofJohn Dyer andJoanne Short, whose works have not only captured Cornwall’s essence but have also captivated collectors worldwide. Embark on a journey that unveils the mastery behind their popularity as popular painters and their significant contributions to Cornish art history.
Are you interested in fine art prints and modern art prints but unsure where to start? Strip away the complexity with this straightforward guide on selecting and displaying modern art prints. We dive into the practical aspects of choosing prints that align with your style and space, discuss our standout artists, and highlight techniques that set modern prints apart. Get ready to infuse your home with the modern aesthetic that modern art prints can provide.