Register now to Attend the Excluisve Ted Dyer Exhibition Opening in Falmouth

Register now to Attend the Excluisve Ted Dyer Exhibition Opening in Falmouth


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Paintings of Cornwall

Available original oil and acrylic contemporary landscape and seascape paintings of Cornwall

Ted Dyer, Joanne Short and John Dyer are three of Cornwall's most acclaimed and collected contemporary artists. Their work is individual and unique and each artist leads in their genre of art. The three artists are all from the same family and represent Cornwall's best known artistic family.

All of the artists take inspiration from the glorious county of Cornwall. They all work from their respective studios in Falmouth on the south coast of Cornwall and on location in the many harbours and villages that Cornwall offers.

All of the Cornwall artists work for sale can be seen below, with John Dyer paintings for sale and the work of modern Cornish artists Joanne Short and Ted Dyer.