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Wholesale & Trade Enquiries - Wall Art prints

Ask to stock the art of John Dyer and Joanne Short in your retail shop

Are you looking for the very best and unique wholesale & trade priced wall art? If so we can help you. We are the only wall art wholesalers for Cornish art featuring the paintings of John Dyer, Ted Dyer and Joanne Short.

If you are interested in stocking Cornish art by Cornwall's leading contemporary artists we would be delighted to hear your ideas. Art posters are ideal for retail businesses. Please do get in touch with us for our wholesale trade prices and for full details of how we might work together.

We have supplied many online and retail outlets with signed prints and art posters. The work of John Dyer and Joanne Short has been sold into multi nationals such as Habitat as well as boutique retail outlets like Liga Eco Store in Fowey, the Eden Project, St Michael's Mount, Sloth Productions in Newquay and many other leading independent retailers and organisations. 

We have also worked with national magazines such at Gardeners' World and the BBC Radio Times on specific print offers for their readers and would be very happy to discuss any ideas your publication might have.

If you have ideas for licensing our artists' work onto homeware or gift products we would be happy to discuss these with you. We have worked with many UK and global companies to successfully license art for products, exhibitions and corporate use.

Do contact us about your project or give us a call. We look forward to working with you.

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