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Cornish Artist Book about John Dyer. ‘Painting the Colours of the World’. Foreword by Alan Titchmarsh.

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The Cornish art history of famous Cornish painter and artist John Dyer. Over 320 paintings feature in this 350 page artist book about British and Cornish artist John Dyer. This is the definitive account of painter John Dyer's life & work, from his early years as an art student, to his high profile public retrospective exhibition in 2018 that celebrated that artist's 50th year. The book includes the background stories & history that makes John Dyer's art so special. The book has a foreword by broadcaster and writer Alan Titchmarsh MBE & the author of the book is acclaimed Cornish writer Kate Dinn, who is a former curator of the award winning public Falmouth Art Gallery. This is a spectacular coffee table book about Cornwall's best known and best loved artist that is sure to inspire and delight.

Book options
Paperback A5 size
Perfect for holding and reading, taking to the beach or cafe. This is like a travel guide to the art and life of John Dyer. The reading text is small in this version but we love it and think you will too.

• Available signed by John Dyer or unsigned.

Premium Collector's Edition Hardback A4 size
A coffee table version of the book with large reproductions. A wonderful collector's item and a very substantial art book.

• Available signed and remarqued by John Dyer. A remarque is a small original drawing that the artist adds on the signature page making each book unique.

Item Information

Description Artist book about John Dyer
Paper type

A4 Hardback: 170 gsm silk
A5 Paperback: 
130 gsm silk
Number of pages 350
Cover style Hardcover or Paperback
Book page size A4: 297mm x 210mm
A5: 210mm x 148mm
ISBN number A4 Hardback: 978-1-9996432-0-1
A5 Paperback: 
Foreword by Alan Titchmarsh, MBE, DL
Author Kate Dinn, MA
Publisher The John Dyer Gallery
Number of photographs in book More than 180 photographs of the artist and key moments from his life and career
Number of paintings illustrated More than 320 paintings are illustrated in the book
Book Title Painting the Colours of the World


John Dyer is Cornwall’s best-loved artist, whose colourful paintings are also deservedly popular around the world. This beautifully designed book celebrates the first 50 years of John’s life and art. With many photographs and 320 colour reproductions of his paintings – including his work with the Eden Project, collections from his environmental trips to Costa Rica, the Philippines, Australia and Peru, the atmospheric series ‘Spirit of the Rainforest’, glorious gardens in the UK and on the Côte d’Azur, and his ever-popular Cornish coastal and garden paintings – it is a visual treat. Thebook finishes with an intriguing glimpse into this dynamic artist’s future plans in ‘Last Chance to Paint’.

“This is a stunning book, beautiful rich colour reproductions of hundreds of paintings and produced on thick silk paper. It is a premium quality production. Full colour glossy hardback cover. You will be delighted with this book and it would make an incredible gift for anyone who loves the art of John Dyer, Cornwall, colour or paintings of the world.”

The video below shows the hardback A4 version of the book.



"I have had the privilege of having John paint my garden, and my house, and enjoyed the way the mood of his paintings changes subtly to reflect their location – both in the UK and overseas – from the beaches of Cornwall to the depths of the rainforest. Atmosphere is everything in a John Dyer painting, and this is a fitting celebration of fifty years spent admiring the world around him, much of it spent depicting that world in paint. His style is like that of no other artist, but then neither is his character."

Alan Titchmarsh, MBE, DL

Divided into seven main chapters.

  • The making of a painter
  • Home and family
  • Cornwall the gateway to the World
  • Gardens at home and abroad
  • Environmental art
  • Spirit of the rainforest
  • Last chance to paint

"Putting together this book Painting the Colours of the World has been a joint effort in the best sense. It includes contributions from his wife Joanne and daughters Martha-Lilly and Wilamena, as well as whole-hearted tributes from many people who have generously shared their thoughts and memories for the book, and lent their treasured paintings to the exhibition at Falmouth Art Gallery with which it coincides."

Kate Dinn, MA

With contributions from The Eden Project and Survival International.

Arts Council England Supported

This book has been made possible by the generous support of Falmouth Art Gallery & Arts Council England

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Appreciate art

Our artist books will transport you into a world of creativity and imagination as you discover more about John Dyer's life & work.


The John Dyer Gallery has thousands of delighted customers and over 500 five-star reviews

"The rainbow colours and vibrant seaside scenes are uplifting, and trigger not only smiles, but also great joy, while the paintings of other magical environments - tropical rainforests, amazing gardens full of beautiful trees, flowers and animals, rice paddies, quirky towns and seascapes, deserts and wetlands - all teeming with life, colour, and detail, convey the artist’s love for ‘the colours of our world', and are a source of endless delight.There is so much to admire, wonder at, and enjoy in this lovely book. For sure we will be investing in one of John's glorious works very soon."

Ruth Campbell

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Customer (England, United Kingdom)
Great book, great people

Great book, great people

Alison Spice
Brilliant - in every way

Brilliant - in every way

We first came across John's wonderful talent through illustrations featured in the annual RNLI calendar, and our interest in his art grew when, just a few weeks ago, we chanced upon small versions of his paintings as greeting cards during a visit to the Heligan Gardens. Returning home, we decided to purchase this beautiful book to enjoy more of John's work and learn about him and his life. And we are so very glad that we did.

The rainbow colours and vibrant seaside scenes are uplifting, and trigger not only smiles, but also great joy, while the paintings of other magical environments - tropical rainforests, amazing gardens full of beautiful trees, flowers and animals, rice paddies, quirky towns and seascapes, deserts and wetlands - all teeming with life, colour, and detail, convey the artist’s love for ‘the colours of our world,’ and are a source of endless delight.

There is so much to admire, wonder at, and enjoy in this lovely book. For sure we will be investing in one of John's glorious works very soon.

Selina-Jayne Topham
Artistic and aesthetically pleasing to look through

An absolutely stunning book. This is a Christmas present for an art loving sole. Like myself, I know he will be blown away with the imagery and text. Can not wait to give it to him. Quite simply...beautiful.