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Pay Online in One Click - Safe, Secure & Quick

Payment options on the John Dyer Gallery website

We offer instant checkout for a no hassle experience with Apple Pay, Google Pay and Amazon pay to make buying your selected artwork really easy.

Our gallery will automatically detect your local currency (or use the currency selector in our footer) and you can buy with:

  • GBP £
  • Euro €
  • Australian $
  • USA $
  • Canadian $
  • New Zealand $
  • Japanese ¥

Secure encrypted SSL payment options:

  • Visa
  • Amex
  • Mastercard
  • Shop Pay
  • Amazon Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • PayPal

You will notice the secure padlock icon in your browser's address bar at checkout, which shows that your data is secure. We use the world's leading e-commerce platform and payment gateway, Shopify, to process your payment through our website. For your security, all our payment partners are fully PCI DSS compliant, and the John Dyer Gallery is fully PCI DSS compliant.

Would you Prefer to Talk? We Accept Payments on the Phone

We love to talk to our customers and we can accept all major credit and debit cards including Amex over the phone. Tel: +44 (0) 1326 735 016.


Spread the Cost of your New Art with 0% Finance

Arts Council England Own Art Scheme with Novuna Personal Finance for UK Buyers

Own Art Scheme - John Dyer Gallery

We are part of the UK's Own Art scheme to enable our collectors to buy paintings with 0% interest over ten months.

PayPal Pay in 3 | UK and many International Buyers

PayPal Pay in 3

We are also part of PayPal Pay in 3 scheme so PayPal account holders can split payments for artwork over three months at 0%.


Explore The John Dyer Gallery

Deciding which artwork to buy and where to shop can take time and effort. Artwork stores are your gateway to an eclectic mix of pieces for all tastes and budgets. This guide details the best artwork stores, such as, ensuring you quickly find and purchase art, whether online or in a physical gallery.
When searching for today’s mostimpactful artists, one cannot overlook Cornwall’s popular painter duo who are redefining the contemporary art scene. In this article, we highlight the lives and legacies ofJohn Dyer andJoanne Short, whose works have not only captured Cornwall’s essence but have also captivated collectors worldwide. Embark on a journey that unveils the mastery behind their popularity as popular painters and their significant contributions to Cornish art history.
Are you interested in fine art prints and modern art prints but unsure where to start? Strip away the complexity with this straightforward guide on selecting and displaying modern art prints. We dive into the practical aspects of choosing prints that align with your style and space, discuss our standout artists, and highlight techniques that set modern prints apart. Get ready to infuse your home with the modern aesthetic that modern art prints can provide.