You might wonder what the difference is and why the question is asked ?
For me there is a fundamental difference between reproducing the world as we see it and using the visual world as a structure and inspiration to set out ones heart and soul. The later being the mission of every artist while the first option would fit a painter.
Every person who sets out to connect with the world through painting, the written word or other creative route is answering the genetically embedded code in us to leave our mark and connect. The people who go beyond the visual reality and lay bare their inner soul are the true artists and they come in many forms.
For me to set out to record the light, texture, structure of a place simply isn't enough. A painter can achieve this, or I would argue we could leave this to the world of photography. So why paint at all if we are not simply emulating the world ?
As an artist I am very aware of the myriad of ways to connect, interpret, challenge and astound. For me the most natural way, the most human way, the least technological and the most direct way to tell my story is by painting. My aim isn't to produce just another painting but a painting that is a true piece of art as it reflects my heart and soul.
The combination of selecting parts of the world that inspire me, with my personal view, vision, history and soul hopefully creates not only a lovely painting but a true work of art.
Painters have pushed the boundaries. We are now Post Impressionism, Post Modern and Post everything ! So why do some painters still stick to methods and outcomes from centuries ago ? Is there any point in producing an impressionist painting in 2016? I would argue that yes any connection to the world through painting is valid and valuable but it is much more challenging and exciting to move panting forward which is what I strive to achieve in my work.
The unique paintings of Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, Patrick Heron, Ben Nicholson and Bryan Pearce teach us all to see the world in a new way. They are true pieces of art as well as beautiful paintings.
My life's mission is to be true to myself and make valid paintings that not only celebrate the world, but capture the essence of the place, my own soul and hopefully your soul and passion too.
If you own one of my paintings or prints I hope that it sings out to you everyday and fills your life with warmth and energy. A reflection of your own soul and your own story. This is the power of painting and art.
John Dyer 2016