Well what a busy day I had yesterday ! I spent the day at Clyst St Mary School in Exeter with year four.
The children worked in teams of four on six huge canvasses in my style. They managed to finish all six canvasses by the end of the day and from the huge cheer and clapping we had at the end I guess they had a great time!
I got the children working using acrylic paints and based the collaborative paintings on a series of drawings selected from the class. The paintings each featured a well known landmark in Exeter or an interpretation of one of my paintings.
One rather big surprise was when the teacher announced at the begiing of the day that is was their 'non contact' day and dissapeared to another part of the school ! I was left with 24 eager children and a very able class room assistant to embark upon one of the biggest painting challengers the children had ever faced.
I am pleased to report that the day was a huge success, not too much paint on the carpet and lots of happy children.
The final six canvases went on to be exhibited by the National Trust in Devon.