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Online Art Gallery: Buy Online Paintings

Our online art gallery is one of the UK's most established and trusted places to purchase online paintings and art prints from well-known artists. Our online art gallery offers viewers the opportunity to discover, view, read about and securely purchase acclaimed paintings, prints and artist-inspired gifts from Cornwall's leading artists, and all of the art we sell online is affordable art.

We have been exhibiting paintings in our online gallery since the mid-1990s and have many decades of experience. Our online art gallery is recognised as one of the leading online art galleries in the UK, and we have a very clear way of exhibiting art so that you can see in detail exactly what you are purchasing with professional quality images, framed images, and room set ideas showing the size of the art in a room. 

Our online art gallery operates on the leading platform for online sales and has secure one-click purchasing options available. You can purchase art with Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Shop Pay or any debit or credit card.

We offer free worldwide delivery to your door and are experts in packing art and arranging the best delivery service.

If you are looking for a trustworthy acclaimed online art gallery that offers the best in online paintings and contemporary art prints, we know you are in the right place. We look forward to helping you with any questions via our online chat or contact form. You are also welcome to telephone us at +44 (0) 1326 735 016; we would be delighted to help.