Artist John Dyer visited children at Wendron Primary School during a fortnight of art-based activities.
Pupils chose a painting by John Dyer to base their work around.
"Playing In The River, Church Cove" by John Dyer was the basis of the project.
The teachers wrote to the artist to request his help and support for their project:
"We are teachers at a local Primary School and are planning our 'Take one Picture' themed weeks. We would really love to use your painting of Church Cove for our class. We love the colours and features, especially the children playing in the stream.
Most of our children are familiar with the setting as it is one of our closest beaches. We intend to take the children to Church Cove, take photographs and make sketches which we will then take back to the classroom and work on."
Wendron C of E Primary School
The artist took a large 33x40 inch painting into the school to show the children. It was a painting that John Dyer painted for his wedding day and that was displayed in the church at Church Cove during his wedding ceremony. The painting has never been exhibited since and is part of the artist's private collection.
John Dyer spent some time viewing the children's own pictures before taking an extensive Q&A session with them explaining all about his life and work. The children asked many interesting questions and the conversation covered art, science and biodiversity. Some of the children were so taken with the artist they even asked him to stay as their full time art teacher!
- Artist John Dyer with a few of the children from Wendron School and their paintings of Church Cove. The children had used mixed media for their pictures. Photo Credit.
"Thank you so much for coming in this afternoon. It will be something that we all remember."