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John Dyer Expeditions and Artist Residencies

Artist John Dyer is one of the most accomplished and well-known British artists, and he has been appointed as the artist in residence for many global organisations and NGOs. John Dyer's expeditions and residencies have taken him worldwide, painting the natural beauty and amazing stories and people he encounters. His unique adventures and paintings in the rainforest of the Amazon are some of his most famous.

As a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Neville Shulman award winner, an Artist for the Earth with EarthDay.org and the artist in residence for the Eden Project, John Dyer is in a unique position as an artist, and he has been invited to explore some of the world's most exciting subjects through his art.

We recommend purchasing a copy of the fantastic book on John Dyer 'Painting the Colours of the World' by Kate Dinn, to discover the art and life of John Dyer fully.