Left: Sir Tim Smit, KBE wth explorer Robin Hanbury-Tenison, OBE and artist John Dyer at the exhibition opening. Photo courtesy of Keith Martin
John Dyer: ‘Painting the Colours of the World.’ A Retrospective Exhibition of Cornwall’s best loved artist to celebrate John Dyer's life and work to mark his 50th Birthday with over 50 paintings from 1989 to 2018.
On Friday April 20th 2018 hundreds of people descended on Falmouth Art Gallery in Cornwall to see the amazing display of colourful paintings by Cornwall's best loved and known artist John Dyer. The gallery has been painted pink in celebration of the life enhancing work by this famous artist. Paintings of camels and tropical paintings from the artist's days as a student through to new works of Cornwall and the environment are on display in the two main galleries. Fish, flying people, cats, dogs, beaches, palm trees and more leap from the walls. It follows the artist's life, events and celebrations from Cornwall, famous gardens and works exploring crops and climate change. There really is something for everyone in this remarkable exhibition that has taken over a year to organise and that was planned a decade ago.
The paintings have travelled from all over the UK for the exhibition and have never been exhibited together before. There is a lot for people to enjoy and it is a perfect resource for schools too with subjects from the Eden Project and the Amazon exhibited alongside Tall Ships paintings and coastal views.
It is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity to see so many John Dyer paintings together in one gallery.
The reviews and comments on the show have been amazing:
“Delighted at your totally deserved success.”
Sir Tim Smit KBEExecutive Chairman of Eden Project Internationaland Co-Founder & Executive Vice Chair of Eden Project
“I feel so privileged to have been a tiny part of your journey and, by association, immensely proud”
Robin Hanbury-Tenison OBE
“When the sun decides we’ve had enough summer there is no better place to be than Falmouth Art Gallery at the John Dyer exhibition - bursting with light and joy. Wonder with a message. A complete privilege to be at such a joyful and life affirming opening. If only the whole world was like the Falmouth Art Gallery last night.”
Dea Birkett - Founder of Kids in Museums, Journalist and writer.
“Happy 50th John, you have not only perfected your own life affirming art, but more importantly I can clearly see you have perfected the art of living!”
Kim Wilde - Rock star
“John's brave use of colour and broad truthful brushstrokes make a direct hit on the retina.”
Toyah Willcox
“Thank goodness for John Dyer, I say, not just because I am lucky enough to be able to afford his paintings, but because they make me feel good and I never tire of seeing them on my walls. John is an artist who reaches the parts that many other artists cannot.”
Alan Titchmarsh, MBE, DL
The retrospective exhibition featuring over 50 John Dyer paintings from 1989 to 2018 is now open at Falmouth Art Gallery in Cornwall. 'Painting the Colours of the World' is one of the most spectacular exhibitions of paintings in the UK this year and by one of the UK's best known and acclaimed environmental artists, John Dyer.
John is the artist in residence for the Eden Project and the exhibition was opened by the co-founder of the Eden Project sir Tim Smit KBE.
“What I particularly like about this man is he takes very serious subjects and handles them with a lightness of touch which makes people not feel they are being preached at or made to feel as if they are guilty as sin or that we are necessarily going to hell in a handcart today, but there is always a slight warning that it might happen tomorrow! It is marvellous to have an artist of international standing from Falmouth.”
Sir Tim Smit KBE
The exhibition runs from April 21st to June 23rd at Falmouth Art Gallery www.falmouthartgallery.com
Entry is Free and the gallery is family friendly and offers disabled access and facilities.