On Saturday 22nd February 2014 Artist John Dyer agreed to be interviewed on the Source FM 'The Funkin' Art Radio Show'.
The interview had a twist as it was being conducted by two 8 year old girls, who the presenter of the program, Sarah-Jane Marsden, had organised especially for the live broadcast.
"I have been asked on many occasions to appear on Source FM but have never actually managed to commit myself to the programs, but how could I say no when I found out that two girls had prepared a series of questions for me on my art ? I happily went along to the shipping container radio studio in the car park in Falmouth to meet the team ! The girls did really well and even adjusted their questions as we went along to account for the amount of information I gave them. It was a brave piece of radio and I think it came across really well. It was great fun." John Dyer.
The interview and conversation covered many aspects of the artist's life and work with a series of clear questions being delivered by the girls.
You can listen to the interview here:
John Dyer on Source FM Funkin Art Show
Source FM is a radio station for Cornwall, UK made by and for the people who live and work in and around Falmouth and Penryn. We have an eclectic schedule of music and chat shows for you to listen to at all times of the day and night.